Beginning in 2024, this training will now be a REQUIRED part of the annual Little League Volunteer Application, along with the annual background check. The training must be completed BEFORE any individual can assume any duties for the current season, including District Administrators and Assistant District Administrators.

It is important that all volunteers in a league complete the training on an annual basis. Even though it may be a training an individual has completed in the past, it is important to keep the information that is taught through Abuse Awareness Training fresh in everyone’s mind. The more individuals involved in a league that have the information that Abuse Awareness Training provides, the better.

Once the course is completed you will receive a copy of your certification at the email address used to create the account. You must upload a copy of your certificate to your volunteer registration in the space provided. You will NOT be allowed to coach or volunteer until the course has been completed and your certificate is posted.


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